2023 Film Festival
Saturday, February 25
Greatham Village Hall
Cost: Free
Start time TBD (most likely between 9-9:30am)
Longing to be Great
Greatness and the journey towards it are everywhere on screen; underdogs climbing to the top, heroes sacrificing all to become ‘the best’, characters plucked from obscurity to reveal great talent….Why do we find these stories so compelling? What longings do they stir up in us and what do they tell us about what humans need? At the same time, the Christian worldview has some deeply counter cultural things to say about what true greatness actually is. Should we accept the criteria for greatness that we are constantly absorbing? How does the Biblical view of greatness compare? Could it actually prove to be a more spacious, meaningful and even approachable alternative for us?
This year’s festival is a one day only event. Lunch and supper will be provided but you will need to book in advance.
Timing & Films: A full program of films and schedule for the day for will be released soon.
Cost: FREE to join for films
Meals: You are welcome to join us for meals but will need to book and pay ahead. (£5 per meal to help us cover costs).
Email the information requested below to bookings@englishlabri.org
Pay (for MEALS only) via bank transfer or with a cheque
See bank details below or contact finances@englishlabri.org
You can also register by phone but registration for meals is not confirmed until we receive your payment.
Include the following information
Which meals do you wish to have?
Saturday Lunch and/or Saturday Supper
(Please let us know any medical dietary requirements)
# of meals x £5 = _______
Contact & Payment Details
Tel: 01420 538436
Email: bookings@englishlabri.org
Film Festival
L’Abri Fellowship
The Manor House
Greatham, Liss
Bank Details:
(Be sure reference your name and ‘FF’ for Film Festival on the payment)
L’Abri Fellowship Ltd
Account no: 00260388
Sort code: 30-96-61
Swift code: LOYDGB2L
IBAN: GB02 LOYD 3096 6100 2603 88
Please make checks payable to ‘L’Abri Fellowship’