Current Lectures
Summer 2024 Friday Night Lectures
7:30pm Tea & Coffee | 8:00pm Lecture
Join us for our autumn lectures in-person or on Zoom. If you are attending in person, please come to the Manor House at 7:30pm for coffee and dessert. Otherwise, click the link below to join us on Zoom (password is 'Lecture').
The rest of the Summer Term schedule will follow soon.
17th May
Frontline Philosophy: Mothers and Friends
Esther Meek, Philosopher, Author
It is in the regard and delight filled gaze of mothers, fathers, and family that we receive the essential philosophical dimensions fundamental to our entire lives. The mother’s rapturous smile of welcome, beheld first by the newborn, forms us philosophically. Throughout our lives, the noticing regard of friends continues this essential philosophical service. We’ll explore how this “frontline philosophy” shapes our sense of our existence, of reality and our involvement with it, our regard for others and our longing for the face of God.
24th May
King Arthur and the dangerous dream of Christendom
Caleb Woodbridge, Writer & Editor
According to the legends, King Arthur was the Christian king of a Christian kingdom. But as the story has been retold in a post-Christendom culture, that's often been radically reinvented. How can the legend of Arthur help us think about the tension between the two cities, the city of man and city of God? How does the Arthurian mythos give us an index of changing attitudes to Christendom? From Geoffrey of Monmouth to recent retellings,the story of Arthur can both inspire us with dreams of a better kingdom, and warn us of the dangers of confusing earthly and heavenly kingdoms.
31st May
Christian Spirituality at the cutting edge of contemporary culture
Peter S Williams, Christian Philosopher & Apologist, (Southampton)
"What's happening at the cutting edge of culture today, and what does it mean for the mission of the church? Christian philosopher Peter S. Williams will explain the nature of spirituality and culture and unpack the relationship between Abrahamic pre-modernism, modernism, postmodernism and metamodernism."
7 June
After Jesus and before the Written Gospels: What Did the Apostles Teach and How Do We Know This?
Dirk Jongkind, Senior Research Fellow, Tyndale House, Cambridge
Neither Jesus or the apostles seem to have written anything before or immediately after Easter. What we do have from this time are the evangelistic speeches in the Book of Acts. So where were the stories about Jesus’ life and teaching before they were written down eventually?